Fake gods


The continual elevation of people to near-divine status is a practice that has permeated our contemporary society deeply. Leaders, celebrities, and public figures are exalted, placed on pedestals, revered, and worshipped in a manner reminiscent of idolatry.

We see this phenomenon in politics, when followers denigrate their leaders and regard them as supreme beings endowed with divine qualities. We see this in the world of theater, where actors, musicians, and celebrities are revered as gods and goddesses. The person is elevated, and an unattainable perfection is bestowed to them. A sanctity is bestowed upon him that dehumanizes him and eliminates all room for error.

But this cult of personality does nothing but remind us of our never-ending search for meaning in a world that frequently seems to be submerged in an infinite void. We intended to fill this gap with gods and flesh-and-blood deities, but these gods are just as fallible and human as we are.

At the end of the day, people are still human and prone to the same mistakes and failures as everyone else, so the vacuum cannot be filled with zealous adoration for them. This endless cycle of dool creation and destruction only serves to remind us of the futility of our own existence.



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